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The information on this website is provided by Kelaher, Van Dyke, Moriarty & Kalksma as part of the firm’s ongoing commitment to educating clients and the general public in the areas of elder law, estate planning and related practice. The information is not offered as or in place of legal advice, and thus should be used only for general informational purposes.
The firm makes every effort to maintain the latest and most accurate information, but cannot guarantee complete accuracy in every instance, due to the nature of outside resources. The links provided on this website are for convenience to the user. They do not imply endorsement, affiliation or representation, and the firm is not responsible for the contents on the websites it cites or recommends.
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Let Us Help You
To find out more about any of our elder law services, or to schedule an initial consultation, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to helping you create a stable and secure future for you and your loved ones. We are also available for house calls, hospital calls, and Zoom calls.
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